Damaged lives Vietnamese veterans and children While world leaders debate the effects of Agent Orange, a multinational project reaches out to people at the center of the storm HANOI, Vietnam In a sparsely decorated bedroom of a twostory concrete building, Bui Dinh Bi relaxes and takes cover from Vietnam's baking heat in late April Until the 1990s, the government recognized only one ailment – a skin condition called chloracne – as being linked to Agent Orange But over the years, the VA list of medical conditions associated with Agent Orange has grown to more than a dozen, including some that are much more prevalentAgent Orange victims is achieved by winning significant President Vietnam Red Cross), Dang Hong Nhut (victim), and Vu Binh (translator) She was directly exposed to Agent Orange and suffered from skin rashes and Vietnam Agent Orange Relief &
U S Veteran Exposes Pentagon S Denials Of Agent Orange Use On Okinawa The Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus
Agent orange victims red skin
Agent orange victims red skin-The VA's response to this claim was if it were a female that was serving in Vietnam would be a different story! The USDVA presumes that 14 different diseases and disorders are related to Agent Orange exposure when diagnosed in "bootsontheground" veterans and

Agent Orange On Okinawa Jon Mitchell
In 1998, The Vietnam Red Cross established the Vietnam Agent Orange Victims Fund to provide direct assistance to families throughout Vietnam that have been affected In 03, the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) was formed In addition to filing the lawsuit against the chemical companies, VAVA provides medical careAgent Orange Victims' Fund of the Vietnamese Red Cross, believed there was enough evidence to add these conditions to the list as well primary liver cancers, metabolicPeripheral neuropathy, earlyonset Porphyria cutanea tarda Prostate cancer Cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea, and bronchus Softtissue sarcomas Various cancers in body tissues An eligible veteran who suffers from one of these diseases is presumed to have gotten it from contact with Agent Orange and does not have to prove exposure
"For some reason, information on the skin rashes never made the transition," Mountain said "I don't know if it was a major stuff up by the defence department, or if it was the deliberate purging of information regarding exposure to Agent Orange, but all The Agent Orange was a chemical developed mainly by Monsanto and Dow ChemicalIt is a mixture of two common herbicides (2,4D and 2,4,5T ) that were used separately in the United States since the late 1940s The name was given because of the color of the orangestriped barrels in which it was shippedThe Vietnamese Red Cross has registered an estimated one million people disabled by Agent Orange, but has sufficient funds to help only one fifth of them, paying out an average of $5 (£3) a month Dr Nhan established the free OGCDC, having studied the impact of Agent Orange as a student, to match Vietnamese families to foreign private
VA assumes that certain diseases can be related to a Veteran's qualifying military service We call these "presumptive diseases" VA added 3 more presumptive conditions related to Agent Orange exposure This expands benefits for Veterans and survivors with these presumptive conditions Bladder cancer HypothyroidismAgent Orange is the combination of the code names for Herbicide Orange (HO) and Agent LNX, one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the US military as part of its chemical warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1972 Vietnam estimates 400,000 people were killed or maimed, and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result The Forgotten Victims of Agent Orange This New York Times article, coauthored with Richard Hughes, confronts the lack of recognition and reparations for the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange Phan Thanh Hung Duc, , lies immobile and silent, his midsection covered haphazardly by a white shirt with an ornate Cambodian temple design

Military Veterans

Agent Orange On Okinawa Jon Mitchell
Agent Orange exposure is strongly associated with a variety of health problems These presumptive diseases of Agent Orange exposure can range from the inconvenient to debilitating and even lifethreatening If you are a Vietnam war veteran or you otherwise experienced Agent Orange Exposure, and you are experiencing any of these Agent Orange Agent Orange was a toxic herbicide used by the US military during the Vietnam war from 1961 to 1971 It destroyed and infected more than 45 million acres of Vietnamese land, forests, water sources, and food crops, which were the main source of food for combatants and millions of Vietnamese Pham Van Truc is another Vietnamese victim of Agent Orange With his crippled, birdlike limbs and patches of scaly skin, he had as his only blessing, it seemed, exceptionally devoted parents who


To the Editor— Gilbert Bogen, MD, writes (, 1979) that 85% of a group of Vietnam war veterans exposed to Agent Orange experienced a resistant "rash," presumably caused by Agent Orange This differs greatly from my experience Over the past four months, I have examined 16 veterans with histories of Agent Orange exposure, at the Veterans Administration Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by US military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops The US program, codenamed Reprinted from the Agent Orange Zone, Tuesday Tuesday, with his skin bloated and pockmarked by chloracne (a severe form of acne linked to exposures to dioxins) KEEP READING Posted by A site for Agent Orange victims and their families Please share your Agent Orange stories with us

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U S Bases In Thailand During The Vietnam War And Agent Orange Worlds Revealed Geography Maps At The Library Of Congress
Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow HerbicidesIt is widely known for its use by the US military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971 It is a mixture of equal parts of two herbicides, 2,4,5T and 2,4DIn addition to its damaging environmental effects, traces of dioxinAgent Orange was a tactical herbicide the US military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related illnesses If you have an illness caused by exposure to Agent Orange during military service, read below to find out if you may be When I put in a claim for the Agent Orange ( had a daughter that nearly died from a heart condition and a son 3 years later died of heart complications) were totally denied!

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Exposure Opportunity Models For Agent Orange Dioxin And Other Military Herbicides Used In Vietnam 1961 1971 Journal Of Exposure Science Environmental Epidemiology
Causes Besides Agent Orange exposure, this skin condition can be caused by a combination of genes, lifestyle, and environmental factors It can also run in families, although this is less common Benefits Veterans with either chloracne or porphyria cutanea tarda qualify for presumptive service connection for health care and disability The Vietnamese Red Cross further estimates that up to 3 million Vietnamese spanning three generations have medical conditions that have been tied to exposure to Agent Orange, including severalVictims of Agent Orange estimates the figure of those currently suffering the effects of dioxin exposure at 1 to 2 million, including 300,000 children The US Department of Veterans Affairs, based on studies by the US Institute of

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Agent Orange Wikipedia
M ike Ryan, an Army vet, recalled seeing planes spraying Agent Orange overhead during his 13month Vietnam tour but thought little of it until 1976, when his wife, Maureen, made the connection Agent Orange is an equal mixture of two herbicides, 2,4,5T and 2,4D, both of which have been noted to be hazardous to human health at significant quantities The first one was effectively banned in the '80s, and the second one has been heavily regulated ever since Agent Orange Victims & Widows Support Network The Agent Orange Victims & Widows Support Network, Inc is a nonprofit organization that draws attention to the devastating health effects of Agent Orange on veterans and their families Veterans or surviving family members of veterans can join the network to give and receive support


Opinion The Forgotten Victims Of Agent Orange The New York Times
Possibility of Agent Orange exposure could have been theTo be causally linked to Agent Orange exposure by a federal scientific panel?In 04, Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange filed a lawsuit against the herbicide manufacturers in federal court in New York Just two weeks before this lawsuit was dismissed on , the federal National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences unilaterallyToxic 1,210 Agent Orange Premium High Res Photos Browse 1,210 agent orange stock photos and images available, or search for vietnam war or vietnam to find more great stock photos and pictures Fairchild C123 Provider cargo plane sprays Agent Orange over a forest in North Vietnam

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Survivors, according to the Vietnamese Red Cross, frequently present serious pathologies (cancers, leukemia, diabetes, skin diseases, including chloracne) Ill or apparently healthy, individuals in contact with Agent Orange often give birth to severely handicapped childrenThe muttered prayer of many Vietnamese villagers is that this generation will be the last to feel their grandparents' war in their bones and their blood and their epidermis, but the fact is that the town of Ben Tre is home to about 140,000 people, of whom, the Red Cross says, 58,000 are victims of The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that Agent Orange has affected 3 million Vietnamese people, including at least 150,000 children Babies in Vietnam are still being born with birth defects due to

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Instead, both men emphasized their fundraising on behalf of the Red Cross Society's efforts, aimed at providing at least some rehabilitation assistance to Agent Orange victims Neither doctor mentioned either the high level USVietnamese talks which produced the agreement announced a few weeks later, or the proposed international conference onProving serviceconnection for cancers presumed caused by Agent Orange exposure Since the cancers listed above are on the list of conditions that are presumed to have been caused by Agent Orange, VA should determine that they are a serviceconnected disability If VA does not, then you are probably going to need to file a notice of disagreement to appeal your denial of service The Agent Orange Settlement Fund was created by the resolution of the Agent Orange Product Liability Litigation a class action lawsuit brought by Vietnam Veterans and their families regarding injuries allegedly incurred as a result of the exposure of Vietnam Veterans to chemical herbicides used during the Vietnam war The suit was brought

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Answer (1 of 2) The USS Ranger was a US aircraft carrier that saw extensive service in the Pacific and took part in the Vietnam War Agent Orange was a chemical defoliant and herbicide used during the Vietnam War It was sprayed from the air and sometimes from tank trucks on land It Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange touring US By Paddy Colligan Published 1008 PM In midNovember a delegation from the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin arrived in the United States, beginning a 10city tour with meetings and press events in New York City Dang Thi Hong Nhut Pham Van Truc is another Vietnamese victim of Agent Orange With his crippled, birdlike limbs and patches of scaly skin, he had as his only blessing, it seemed, exceptionally devoted parents who

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Luce wanted to find victims of Agent Orange the defoliant used by the US military during the Vietnam War Her plan was to document their stories and create sculptures capturing the deformities believed to be caused by exposure to Agent Orange As VPR's Steve Zind reports, Luce's work tells a story about her subjects and about herself 10 things every Veteran should know about Agent Orange 1 Agent Orange was a herbicide and defoliant used in Vietnam Agent Orange was a blend of tactical herbicides the US military sprayed from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War to remove the leaves of trees and other dense tropical foliage that provided enemy coverAgent Orange Effect On Your Children & Grand Children – Vietnam 272nd MP Co f

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79 TRENTON SOME time this month, the State Legislature is expected to take final action on a measure that has come to be known as the Agent Orange Victims Act, although the word The history of Agent Orange and its effects on the Vietnamese people, as well as American soldiers, should shame Americans Fifty years ago, in 1967, the United States sprayed 51 million gallons of herbicides with the toxic chemical dioxin across Vietnam, a singleyear record for the decadelong campaign to defoliate the countrysideAgent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides It is widely known for its use by the US military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, 1 during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971 2 It is a mixture of equal parts of two herbicides, 2,4,5T and 2,4D

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A whole generation of Agent Orange victims was born plagued with mental and physical problems that made it impossible for them to have normal lives Today, many of these Agent Orange victims live in Peace Villages, where workers care for them and try to give them a normal life – but the mutations caused by Agent Orange still affect the people

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